

Meet Us

We are Kōrure

Meet our team of scientists, engineers, innovators, entrepreneurs, storytellers, professors, technologists, environmentalists, moms, dads, sons, daughters from 

around the world.

Together, we are pioneering the science to improve human and planet's health.

Kōrure’s purpose is to benefit people and the planet - customers, society and the environment. We believe in the power of nature and it’s natural healing abilities.

The beginning

Kōrure’s founder, Ron has been a health food enthusiast as long as he could remember. His mother has been a big believer in “What you put in is what you get out” and encouraged him and his family to lead a healthy diet.

The day Ron learnt the fact that 90% of fish population are unsustainably fished, he began his search for alternative source for fish. Also, as a big fan of fish oil and omega-3 supplements, he sought to find an alternative source for fish oil supplements. 

This is when he discovered green lipped mussel oil. He now calls mussel oil, 'fish oil on steroids'.

"We only create the best quality products that we can proudly give to our loved ones" 

- Ron, Kōrure founder

Advisory Board 

Founder & CEO

Ron is our founder and CEO. He began his career as an accountant however, he quickly realised his passion in sustainability of New Zealand’s nature and his love for green lipped mussel. He went onto start his journey with Kōrure in 2017 to share the benefits of including green lipped mussel into our diets to improve joint health and overall wellbeing. 

Favourite Te reo word – kōrure (to change)

Manufacturing Advisor

Stephanie has been a Food Consultant to the Inland Revenue; Contract Lecturer at Lincoln University; Research and Development Manager (meat, seafood, dairy, nutraceutical); Quality Assurance Manager (meat, seafood, dairy, nutraceutical) and a Company Director for over seventeen years. She worked in various govermental organizations such as IRD, Hi-Tech Foods Ltd and Waitaiki Biosciences. She studied an MSc at Lincoln Univeristy and PGDipHealSc at University of Otago.

Favourite Te reo word – whanau (family)

Strategy Advisor

Sam has an extensive experience in operation and strategic development. She has experience in managing, coaching and mentoring businesses. She advises in company strategy at every level of the business.

Favourite Te reo word – arohanui (much love with deep affection)

Operations Advisor

Lloyd is a successful entrepreneur with extensive experience in leadership and governance. He brings startup experience at all levels, from starting a company to taking it through a high-growth period to negotiating its successful sale. He also has governance experience in the not-for-profit sector, currently serving as an Independent Trustee of Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust, and volunteers with Business Mentors NZ.

Favourite Te reo word – ora (life)


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