The Problems of Over fishing
There’s plenty of fish in the sea… A phrase that we have been told our whole life, but every day we stray further from the truth. The harsh reality is that nearly half the world's marine life has been wiped out in the past 50 years alone. We are depleting our ocean’s and nature cannot keep up. When are we going to realise that this is not sustainable? With fishing methods destroying the sea floor, some species are unlikely to recover anytime soon. Their breeding grounds are gone.
How do we know our fisheries are deteriorating?
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, 53% of global fisheries are being fully exploited while 32% are overexploited, depleted, or recovering from depletion. These numbers are clear-cut evidence that conventional fishing practices are irresponsible and unsustainable.
What fishing methods are unsustainable?
In the grand scheme of things, net methods are the most damaging. What nets do is take anything and everything in their path. Because of this, fishermen often go over their sustainable quotas and in the process of “complying” to their quotas they throw away younger fish that have already died when they should be left to reproduce later in their life-spans - Overall, this is heavily damaging to the marine eco system and fish populations.
You may be thinking of fish farms as a more sustainable alternative, but that’s opening a whole other can of worms. Think about the excrement from fish polluting the surrounding environment, this can leave permanent damage to the marine ecosystem. Moreover, wild caught fish is largely used to feed farmed fish, exacerbating the sustainability issues of wild fish populations. And, antibiotics are being used to keep the health of farmed fish in check.
We also understand the multitude of health benefits fish-based omega-3s bring to us. Omega-3 is an effective form of natural joint care as well as being a natural anti-inflammatory. However, it’s clear the practices of the fishing industry are unsustainable. With a recent study finding more than 4 out of 5 fish oil supplements were oxidsed beyond acceptable levels. This brings to light the poor quality of many fish oils.
We need to be looking at better sources of omega 3.
Kōrure provides that sustainable alternative we all need. Our green-lipped mussel oil is locally sourced in New Zealand from ethical mussel farms and is a market leader in potent omega-3 products.
- http://www.fao.org/3/i1820e/i1820e01.pdf
- https://wwf.panda.org/our_work/oceans/problems/unsustainable_fishing/